
Showing posts from January, 2012

Internationalization - Translation details for particular language object (Metadata query)

select a . object_id , a . object_name , b . translation from dbo . DSSMDOBJINFO a join dbo . DSSMDOBJTRNS b on a . object_id = b . object_id where b . project_id = 'Project_id' and b . Locale = 16778249 and a . project_id = 'Project_id' you can use the query to get path from object id to get the path information along with this.

Useful Metadata Queries - Microstrategy

Object ID in MSTR 9.2: Object id in MSTR 9.2 metadata tables has been stored as Unique identifier. So we cannot use Metadata object id in MSTR Desktop and vice versa. But we have a built in functions to convert this. MSTR Metadata Object ID to Desktop Object ID: dbo.fn_UniqueidentifierToCharMsTR () MSTR Desktop Object ID to MSTR Metadata Object ID dbo.fn_CharToUniqueidentifier() Metadata query to get user and group details Excluding Everyone group: select GROUPNAME . object_name [Customer_group] , USERNAME . object_name [User_name] from dbo . DSSMDOBJINFO GROUPNAME       join             ( select object_name , OBJDEPN . depn_objid from dbo . DSSMDOBJINFO b                     join             ...