Microstrategy Security filter Mapping details - Metadata Scripts
How to get Security filter Mapping details using Metadata Scripts? select OI.Object_name,OI1.Object_name,OI1.project_id from DSSMDOBJINFO OI join (select I.Object_id A, I1.Object_id B,I.project_id C from DSSMDLNKITEM I join DSSMDLNKITEM I1 on I.Linkitem_id=I1.Linkitem_id where I.Link_id in (select Object_id from DSSMDOBJINFO where object_type=52 and Object_name='MD Security filter Link' and project_id in (select Object_id from DSSMDOBJINFO where Object_name in ('Project name 1','Project name 2') and object_type=32)) and I.project_id in (select Object_id from DSSMDOBJINFO where Object_name in ('Project name 1','Project name 2') and object_type=32) And I1.Object_type= 34 And I.Object_type=58) LI on OI.Object_id=LI.B join DSSMDOBJINFO OI1 on OI1.Object_id=LI.A and OI1.Project_id=LI.C