Publish Microstrategy MTDI Super Cube from S3 Parquet file - mstrio Python API
We need a Python IDE to run this. Currently, some of the Python packages (ex: boto3) are not supported in Microstrategy workstation scripts. So, we can't run this in Microstrategy workstation scripts.
- Install necessary python packages
- Import packages (boto3, mstrio, pandas)
- Establish connection to S3 bucket and read the parquet file
- Establish connection to Microstrategy Rest server (Library)
- Create cube
Sample Script:
# Install boto3 and mstrio packages. boto3 package is to read files from S3 bucket. mstrio package to connect and create objects in Microstrategy
#pip install boto3
#pip install mstrio
#Import necessary packages
from mstrio.connection import Connection
from mstrio.project_objects.datasets.super_cube import SuperCube, list_super_cubes
import boto3
import pandas as pd
import io
# Connect to S3 bucket and read parquet file
buffer = io.BytesIO()
s3 = boto3.resource('s3',aws_access_key_id='xxx',aws_secret_access_key='xxx')
object=s3.Object('S3 Bucket name','Parquet file name')
#Connect it to Microstrategy project
#base_url = "MSTR REST server Link (Library)"
base_url = "http://servername:8080/MicroStrategyLibrary/api"
username = "xxx"
password = "xxxx"
conn = Connection(base_url, username, password, project_name="{Mstr Project name}", login_mode=1)
#Create MTDI Super cube
cube = SuperCube(conn, name="Test_cube_py")
cube.add_table(name="test", data_frame=df, update_policy="replace", to_attribute=["column1", "column2"])
#Column1 & Column2 - Make sure you have the same column name available in the Parquet file & Dataframe
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